Thanks for voting

Voting has now closed. Thanks to everyone who helped we received 498 votes and now have to wait until the 6th July 2015 for the results – fingers crossed.   Please spread the word, Wirksworth Swimming Pool has been nominated for a Onefamily community award...
Thank You Wirksworth

Thank You Wirksworth

Support for Wirksworth Swimming Pool continues with two new community donations. Andy Lyne from the Hidden Gardens and Courtyards of Wirksworth popped in to Wirksworth Swimming Pool this week with a lovely donation of £500.00. Andy and local residents, Jane Aitman,...
Easter Holiday Timetable

Easter Holiday Timetable

Join us, during the Easter 2015 school holidays for fun activity hours and learn to swim crash courses. Please note:  the Pool will be closed over the Easter weekend (Friday 3rd April – Monday 6th April 2015)
Award Nomination for Wirksworth Pool

Award Nomination for Wirksworth Pool

Wirksworth Swimming Pool was recently nominated for an award at the inaugural Foundation Derbyshire Award Ceremony. Out of 250 plus groups awarded funding through Foundation Derbyshire, over the last year,  just 12 local community organisations were put forward for...